1. When did the people in the poem return home?
2. What kind of a setting do you see in the poem, ‘ In the Midst of Hardship’ by Latiff Mohidin?
3. Describe the conditions of the people in this poem.
4. Despite the conditions of the people in the above poem, did they give up?
Which line tells you this?
5. What do you understand by ‘ but on their brows, there was not a sign of despair’?
6. What natural disaster had occurred to the place?
7. Name the animal that had gone missing in this poem.
8. Do you think the people in the poem are rich? Justify your answer with evidence
from the poem?
9. Why do you think the people are desperately looking for the lost animal?
10. What is alliteration? Give an example of alliteration from the poem.
11. Do you think the people here are hopeful and optimistic? Justify your answer.
12. What can you learn from this poem?
13. Do you think the poet has chosen a good title for this poem? Give a reason for
your answer.
14. Do you like the poem? Give a reason for your answer.
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